Donation to Ghost Gunner Admins

Suggested price: $20.00


Make a one-time donation to the admins of the Ghostgunner Facebook groups. Please help compensate those that have worked diligently to keep the group alive and thriving!

There are some exciting possibilities for the community that may only be possible with these donations.

SKU: ghostwriter-donation-1 Category:

Make a one-time *donation to the admins of the Ghostgunner Facebook group to help support their efforts to continue the proper functioning of the group.

There are 2 admins, in particular, that this money will go towards, since they are the ones handling the bulk of the moderating of the group.The largest and most time-consuming duty is validating the ITAR compliance of the applicants and making sure they aren't people trying to get into the group for the sake of taking it down. These two will be instrumental in some new efforts being worked on to help expand access to the community and guarantee that we aren't prone to getting Zuck'd.

My hope is that if we can get together enough donations to be able to justify the efforts these admins put in to keep the group going so that they don't get burnt out on doing this all pro-bono.

Thanks so much in advance!

If you make a donation please include a note with your order telling us what kinds of things you'd like to see done to improve the group.

*Please note that this donation is simply that and does not confer extra files or engravings or any other perk in exchange for the donation

Additional information

Donation Amount

$5, $10, $15, $20, $25, $30, $40, $50, $75, $100